Monthly archives: December, 2010

Hopes for the New Year

Here’s the news Labrigger hopes to see in 2011.

New developments with optical indicators

A new, super bright fluorescent protein that blows the doors off of GFP-based proteins.
Bright, far-red dyes with huge 2p cross-sections.
Higher S:N genetically-encoded…

Pubmed limbo

In my experience, PubMed works beautifully the vast majority of the time. It does an excellent job parsing search terms and they’re always adding new features (e.g., you can search using full names now,…

Open source orbital shaker

This is a nicely done (and award-winning) orbital shaker. Orbital shakers can often cost on the order of $1500. This one can be custom built for about $150, with additional units costing about $60 (a single controller and power…

Watts per photon

Fun conversion of the day: photon count to watts. This is high school physics, but it’s a good reminder of scale.

Let’s take…

Shot noise-limited imaging

What is the advantage of imaging fast in population calcium imaging? Here’s a quick qualitative comparison. The prep was mouse visual…

Future Publishing

We used to just tell stories. Then we had monks copy manuscripts by hand. Later, movable type made printing easy. That brings us up to about…

Pulsed laser power

Someone asked me recently how peak power related to average power for pulsed lasers. You can get fancy with this calculation, but people rarely do. 99% of the time,…

Labrigger Xmas Gift List 2010

Here’s the 2010 Labrigger Xmas Gift List.
Care to add anything?

Beam profiler

Measure the divergence of your laser beam, its stability, uniformity– all kinds of good stuff. These are useful metrics for diagnosing problems with the laser and really nailing the…