Monthly archives: May, 2012


To project 3D image stacks to a 2D image, several different algortithms can be used. Maximum projections and averages are the most commonly used. Neither of…

Troubleshooting noise

“Okay. I think I’ve got a lead on the noise we’ve been troubleshooting. The noise is coming from a broadcast RF source between 2200 and 2500 MHz. Let’s check with the FCC and see what is allocated to that spectrum to get an idea of where this interference could be coming from.”

Miscellaneous notes on screws

Terms for metric and English screw size standards

These terms are all equivalent for most purposes:
metric = ISO metric = ANSI mm
English (US) = imperial (UK) = UTS = ANSI…

Cages of a different sort

The last post was about cage-style optomechanics. This post is about Faraday cages.

Cage systems

Cage systems, like optical rails, are platforms for constructing custom optical systems.

Thorlabs’ 16 mm, 30 mm, and 60 mm cage systems are well known (shown above)….

Game on

Firmata for Arduino

I’ve referenced Toolduino before. Now I use Firmata more (upon which Toolduino is based). It turns the Arduino into a simple interface, rather than letting it think at all. I find…

Screw shields, simple pleasures

These screw shields make it simple to connect a bunch of stranded wire to an Arduino. This one is available here, or here. It’s a little thing, but it saves a…

Beautiful enclosure

Beautiful integration of a laser cut enclosure, its contents, and its wiring. (link)

GIMP 2.8

GIMP is an open source image editing program. You can use it for a lot of the same things Adobe Photoshop is used for.

They just released version 2.8 (release notes).

In addition to…

Scrivener for the first draft

Writing a first draft is almost a completely different sport compared to editing and revising. It’s the most creative part of the writing effort. The work flow incorporates outlines, research notes, references, organization, re-organization,…

Keeping up with the literature

Oldest Reading hard copy tables of content. Pleasent, but impractical.
Older Checking out the updates for Index Medicus. Totally reasonable. In 1988.
Old Getting eTOCs emailed to you. Welcome to the…