Monthly archives: November, 2014

Mice running backwards

Today is Thanksgiving in the US. So here’s a avian-themed post. There was a spirited neuroethological debate at a bar during SfN involving the above video. I just caught the tail end of it. The controversial account is that headfixed mice on treadmills, when shown this video, will run…

Online app for comparing fluorescent proteins

George McNamara recently posted a comment on spectra, which referenced this online app which is handy.

Field of view = 3.5 mm with cellular resolution

In this preprint, Stirman et al. report achieving a 3.5 mm field of view with 2-photon excitation with cellular resolution. The design involves custom scan optics and a custom objective built in the…

Lightfield imaging – development kit from Lytro

Lytro is releasing a development kit for their light field camera. That’s nice, but it pretty expensive. And we’ve been able to buy light field cameras for technical uses for years.


Raspberry Pi oscilloscope

One can use a Raspberry Pi as a highly customizable 20 MHz scope with this cute little BitScope Micro. (about 120 euros, from the OE store)

They have …

MultiSIM BLUE – free circuit design software

MultiSIM BLUE is yet another free, SPICE-based electronics simulator– this one is linked into the MOUSER catalog, to streamline parts sourcing. Also includes PCB design tools.

miniPCR – $500 diy open thermocycler

BioCoder recently featured miniPCR on their cover. They currently have a well funded Kickstarter running, if you’d like to jump on board.

It’s a cute little package, weighing less than 1 pound.