2-photon calcium imaging of the mouse retina in vivo
Bar-Noam et al. 2016 (Shy Shoham’s lab) figured out how to image the mouse retina with 2-photon microscopy in vivo.
Bar-Noam et al. 2016 (Shy Shoham’s lab) figured out how to image the mouse retina with 2-photon microscopy in vivo.
I tweeted about this last fall. This is the best algorithm I’ve seen for segmenting and extracting time course from calcium imaging data. Eftychios Pnevmatikakis developed the code in Liam Paninski’s lab….
In the past, Labrigger has only rarely posted about relevant papers. That ends today. Now there’s a new post category for papers, and it’ll be used to highlight publications that are of potential interest to…
The UCLA Miniscope project is an NIH BRAIN Initiative-funded project to open source head-mounted calcium imaging devices. Their web site is online now. They’ll be releasing all of the information needed for making these devices yourself, including data analysis. They’ll also…
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