Monthly archives: January, 2024

More money than god and a death wish

(bing designer)

Last summer I asked Bing’s Chat AI to write advertising copy for a microscope objective. I just came across it again and maybe it’s worth sharing.

Do you have a…

I plant seeds

In May 2022, I asked for an “LLM to automatically write code to port arbitrary data sets to NWB format”.

Postdoc position at UC Santa Barbara

This is an ad for Michael Beyeler. He’s awesome. Together with Michael Goard and Cris Niell, we have formed a supergroup that is funded by…

The LLM copyright issue is more like sampling than Napster


OpenAI — and LLMs in general that train by scraping data from the web and ignoring copyrights — are in legal jeopardy. There are multiple lawsuits filed and many of us are…

Reprints and literature searches before Pubmed

NPG still sells reprints (link). Seems anachronistic, doesn’t it? If you got into science after the year 2000, you might not be fully aware of the sea change that occurred just before you got…

Floating air tables with quiet compressors

I used to float tables with tanks. They didn’t need to be changed very often, but it did need to occur, and it was a pain. I’ve used house air before, and house nitrogen, but they were dirty and/or unreliable.

We’ve been using compressors in recent years, and in particular these compressors from Newport (hat…

Out with “collaborations”, in with “supergroups”

With the New Year, one change our lab is making is a purely superficial one. We will no longer refer to groups of collaborators as “collaborations”. Instead, we will refer to them as “supergroups”.