Tag: microscopy

A Canadian open source two-photon microscope system

This open source two-photon microscope system is adaptable for both slice (with substage detection) and in vivo experiments, and is built with largely COTS parts. The paper is a very nice resource.

See also, designs…

Notes from Austin Blanco

Our friend Christian Wilms tipped us to Austin Blanco’s blog, which has some posts you all might be interested in:

Characterizing unknown optical components
A few notes on Arduinos, their timers, and using…

Reminder: SfN Short Course

If you like Labrigger, you should register for this Short Course at the SfN meeting.
Short Course #1: Advances in Multineuronal Monitoring of Brain Activity

Spencer Smith will be talking about the work…

Custom scan optics for two-photon imaging

Adrian Negrean, in Huibert Mansvelder’s lab, has been designing and building custom scan optics for two-photon imaging and earlier this year published his work (paper). Labrigger wants to emphasize how nice this paper is….

OpenLabTools at Cambridge

OpenLabTools is a new initiative at Cambridge University, using engineering students to develop modular lab equipment.

The OpenLabTools initiative aims to provide a forum and knowledge centre for the development of low cost and…

Optomechanics and microscopy technical notes – many items

Vojnovic’s group at Oxford has dozens of technical notes. Most are concise, and include software code, if applicable. SolidWorks files and PCB files are available on request.

Here are a few examples:

A motorized…

Lightglass Optics – used optomechanics

Lightglass Optics sells surplus optomechanics and other related optics. They have a lot of Newport products, and small amounts of products from Thorlabs, OptoSigma, New Focus, and Line Tool.

For example, here’s an Newport…

Meyer Navigator for ScanImage

Software from Stephan Meyer Zum Alten (Gilbert lab, Rockefeller):

I put together a sort of Navigator for Janelia Farms ScanImage Two Photon control software, which we use a lot in our lab. There was no…

3D printed servo mount for motorizing a correction collar

This is from Kurt’s Microscopy Blog.

Just this month we could have made use of something like this.

ScanBox – free, open, MATLAB-based software for two-photon microscopy

Dario Ringach has written some nice software for the Trachtenberg scope mentioned before on Labrigger. They also have put together their own Cypress PSoC-based hardware box to control several parts of the system.


Thorlabs’ 0.26 GB catalog

Thorlabs released a ridiculously sized (264 MB) PDF catalog for their life sciences imaging. Despite the size, I recommend downloading it and checking it out. There are several items and lots of product details…

SciScan: Scientifica’s two photon software

My friend Bruno has written some very nice software for Scientifica’s two photon microscope systems. It’s called SciScan.

It’s written in LabVIEW and runs both their conventional galvo and resonant…

Helioscan paper is out

Click for source

The Helioscan paper is out now in J Neurosci Methods. Mentioned previously on Labrigger.

Here’s a Labrigger interview with the developers.

Fast resonant scanning two-photon scope from UCLA

Here’s an update on the scope from Joshua Trachtenberg’s team. If you want one, contact them at: info.neurolabware@gmail.com

This is another moving objective microscope, like the Sutter (Denk/MOM) scope, and the Thorlabs scope. Here’s…

OpenSPIM and OpenSpinMicroscopy for light sheet microscopy

This month, Nature Methods highlights a couple of open light sheet microscopy…