AutoHotKey for repetitive tasks


This the favorite tip Labrigger has received this week. Here it is, unedited, and in its entirety:

I often use autohotkey for repetitive file naming and key remapping when I am forced to use clunky software on a windows computer I don’t plan on living on for long. It makes working with these programs much more tolerable. You can also use it for dll calls etc., Highly recommended, highly useable.

AutoHotKey is surprisingly versatile program. Besides key re-mapping and hot-key functionality, it has a powerful scripting system that can even generate forms through its GUI commands. It’s open source and very easy to get started with. Check out their tutorial.

For OSX, Typinator is a nice text expansion program. However, it is nowhere near as versatile and powerful as AutoHotKey. Apple’s own Automator offers scripting capabilities.