Tag: pcr

miniPCR – $500 diy open thermocycler

BioCoder recently featured miniPCR on their cover. They currently have a well funded Kickstarter running, if you’d like to jump on board.

It’s a cute little package, weighing less than 1 pound.

ZappyLab Kickstarter: 1 week left!

This is exactly up the alley of what Labrigger is interested in supporting. There’s just one week left in their Kickstarter campaign. As of this writing, 300 people have contributed $30,000. With one final push this last week, they’ll meet their goal.

They want to crowd…

OpenPCR: Now shipping

Over a year ago, we covered the OpenPCR project. Following their successful Kickstarter campaign, which netted twice their funding goal, they’re now actually shipping the devices.

To start, this is a $512 PCR…

Outfitting a lab on the cheap

A friend of mine does a lot of molecular biology and keeps an incubator at home so she can run a reaction and stop it some time at night without having to make…

Otyp: More than just another open source PCR machine

It seems like everyone is coming up with new open source PCR machines/thermocyclers. Here’s another project, this time from an outfit called Otyp. What’s unique about this iteration (besides the beautiful prototype…

LavaAmp: miniPCR

LavaAmp is a thermocycler (aka PCR machine) that promises to bring PCR to the masses. The aim is to have it available by 1Q 2011 for about $400. …


Thermocyclers/PCR machines are really simple, but still expensive. To offer a less expensive, do-it-yourself option, these two guys are engineering an open source alternative. In addition to being a decent PCR machine, (“16 reaction wells, a heated lid, a ramp…