Tag: 3d printing

Headplate designs

Multiphoton imaging with micron resolution in living animals can be challenging…

LabMaker – a retail source for some open source projects

LabMaker sells parts, kits, and assemblies for open source neuroscience tools, including the UCLA MiniScope and Crystal Skull “coverslips”.

Democratized state-of-the-art neuroscience

Andre and colleagues have a preprint up on their project generating inexpensive instrumentation for imaging and optogenetics experiments. The 100 Euro Lab: A 3-D Printable Open Source Platform For Fluorescence…

3D printed fly holder

Peter Weir has a nice write up and directions on how to make the fly holder from his recent paper. He has some other useful notes that are worth checking out too: github,…

3D printed electronics

It’s been promised for a while now, but someone has to do the hard work to make it happen. That inevitably involves some pretty pitiful looking stepping stones on the way to the…

Notes from Austin Blanco

Our friend Christian Wilms tipped us to Austin Blanco’s blog, which has some posts you all might be interested in:

Characterizing unknown optical components
A few notes on Arduinos, their timers, and using…

A higher-tech open syringe pump

Theo Walker has a very nice open syringe pump design that has some advantages over another open syringe pump project we’ve covered (though the latter is less expensive).

3D printed syringe pump

Here’s a syringe pump, plans and specs.

3D Printing in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 has some interesting built-in support for 3D printing. They’re treating it a lot like 2D printing, even including a print preview.

Labrigger still recommends outsourcing 3D printing because the technology is…

Open source turbidostat, syringe pump, and more

Jacob Forstater (UNC-Chapel Hill, Physics) shared this tip: The Klavins lab is sharing their materials for this open source turbidostat. The wiki offers detailed plans and well-document construction. Even if you don’t need…

3D printed servo mount for motorizing a correction collar

This is from Kurt’s Microscopy Blog.

Just this month we could have made use of something like this.

Makerwise: comparing 3d printers

3D printing is a great tool. However, I still don’t recommend buying your own 3D printer. Use a service instead (e.g., Ponoko, Shapeways, or Quickparts). Here’s why:

1. The technology moves…

3D printed Titanium at iMaterialize

Looks good. Should be handy. And a bit pricey. These metal powder-based 3D printing materials aren’t bad. The products are much more brittle than real, solid metal is. But they’re also very light, and…

3D Printed iPhone-to-Eyepiece adapters

Thanks go to commenter ybot for this one. They pointed out this handy iPhone-to-Microscope mount iPhone case.

From the pictures, it looks like the prototype was printed on a Makerbot, which isn’t terribly…

Rapid prototyping is rapidly maturing

In the past year, since Labrigger’s …