Tag: funding

Armchair quarterback the NIH budget

Think you could do a better job allocating the NIH budget? This is your chance…

Tell the NIH what to spend money on

There’s an RFI (request for information) out now for the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience (the structure that cuts across different institutes that all support neuroscience: NINDS, NIMH, NEI, etc.). These RFIs are an…

Papers per person per year

The subject of prolificacy came up in lab the other day. A study from the 80s (pdf) plotted the number of papers from a lab versus the number of people in the…

White House budget proposal 2012

Funding is tight all over. The question is only: How tight? The White House released its budget today. It’s just a proposal, and…

NIH grants: Score correlations

NIH grants are scored on five dimensions:
1. Significance
2. Investigator
3. Innovation
4. Approach
5. Environment

What are the correlations between these different dimensions and ultimate grant funding success?
Here’s a table of all the NIH institutions, and the correlation coefficients for these scoring dimensions and ultimate funding success.

Citizen science article in NN

Nature Neuroscience has a great article on citizen science in the September issue (link, subscription required).

In the article, they discuss that although the public already recognizes the value of publicly funded research,…