Calcium imaging analysis GUI for MATLAB


Stephan (currently in the Gilbert lab @ Rockefeller) wrote in to share his code for analyzing calcium signalling data in MATLAB. Thanks, Stephan!

Stephan writes…

I made a MATLAB GUI that automatically extracts ROIs from calcium imaging data. You can also add behavior data. Take a look if you feel like, try it out and of course feedback is always welcome.

A MATLAB GUI that automatically segments fluorescence image stacks into ROIs based on differential morphology and fluorescence activity of the individual cells. The time course data of each ROI gets extracted and plotted.
Different parameters can be set to match the nature of the data in terms of signal strength, expected size of cells and the kind of fluorescent probe (single flourophore vs ratiometric). Concurrently acquired data from behavioral apparatus and sensory stimuli can be integrated to analyze the imaging data for task and stimulus dependent neuronal events.

One way to average the stack before segmentation is based on this Labrigger post, so somewhat it goes back to the community…