Robot arm with a 2p scope attached

Coming soon to your neuroscience lab.

Thorlabs has worked with the great Jacob Reimer to create a streamlined 2p system that is compact enough to mount on a robotic arm.

The specs are pretty good. The engineering tradeoffs are maybe clear to the aficionados. The axial resolution is a bit lower than I expected, but I’m not too worried about it. I bet it works great for neuroscience experiments. I think this is a pretty interesting and enabling product. Let me highlight the positives: the remote focus system looks pretty good and the frame rate is high (note that the scan rates listed under “field of view” seem to be mixing frame and line scan rates; the resonant scanner is 4.7 kHz, that’s the number to work from).

I know what you’re wondering: “Can I get a large field-of-view 2p system with dual independent scan engines all mounted on a robot arm?” My answer is yes.

FANUC sells a robot arm that is capable of holding the entire Diesel2p system.
