3D Printing in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 has some interesting built-in support for 3D printing. They’re treating it a lot like 2D printing, even including a print preview.

Labrigger still recommends outsourcing 3D printing because the technology is improving so…

Air hockey for mice

Mobile HomeCage is a different approach for awake, behaving experiments. It’s from Helsinki-based Neurotar.

Their marketing video is worth a viewing. You won’t regret it.

HD-based pipette beveler

From Andrew Hires’ twitter— repurposing an old hard drive for beveling pipettes. Nice!

OSX features I wish Windows had

Migrating back to Windows after years of using OSX, there are some features I miss.

Default Folder X (link)
Right click on the file name in the title bar to find out what folder that…

Open source waterbath

An Arduino-powered open source water bath by Luis Zaman.

Voltset – a smart multimeter for your smartphone

We’ve covered Voltset before. It’s a small multimeter with no display. It plugs into a smartphone for its user interface and logging data (there’s a Bluetooth module as well). This approach opens the possibility of developing interesting custom applications that are discussed on the video above,…

Unusual breadboards from Vere

Vere is a smaller company that Newport, Thorlabs, or TMC. But they’re worth checking out for optical tables, breadboards, beam stops, dumps, enclosures, and whatnot. They have some interesting items.

Postdoc wanted for the SLAB

SLAB is looking for a postdoc. This postdoc’s initial project would involve mouse behavior and in vivo two-photon calcium imaging. Prior neurophysiology work, particularly with in vivo experiments, is highly recommended. Competitive applicants…

Brain slice methods

Brain slice methodology is a mix of rational approaches, post hoc rationalized approaches,…

Measuring the junction potential

How to measure the liquid junction potential

This is an old blog post, but the comments section is still somewhat active. Handy reference/training material.

Lightglass Optics – used optomechanics

Lightglass Optics sells surplus optomechanics and other related optics. They have a lot of Newport products, and small amounts of products from Thorlabs, OptoSigma, New Focus, and Line Tool.

For example, here’s an Newport…

Safety first

Lab safety
Laser safety

bioRxiv – The biology preprint server

Launched late last year, CSHL-funded bioRxiv is picking up steam. This is a preprint server, like arXiv, but focused on biology rather than math/physics/com sci/and other quantitative fields, like arXiv is.

It’s certainly…

Open source turbidostat, syringe pump, and more

Jacob Forstater (UNC-Chapel Hill, Physics) shared this tip: The Klavins lab is sharing their materials for this open source turbidostat. The wiki offers detailed plans and well-document construction. Even if you don’t need…

Meyer Navigator for ScanImage

Software from Stephan Meyer Zum Alten (Gilbert lab, Rockefeller):

I put together a sort of Navigator for Janelia Farms ScanImage Two Photon control software, which we use a lot in our lab. There was no…