Search Results for "arduino"

Screw shields, simple pleasures

These screw shields make it simple to connect a bunch of stranded wire to an Arduino. This one is available here, or here. It’s a little thing, but it saves a lot…

Streamlined & simple prototyping to custom PCB

Fritzing is PCB design software (EDA) in the spirit of Arduino and Processing. It’s open source, cross-platform, streamlined, and simple to use. It doesn’t do simulations, but you can lay out your circuit in a GUI that looks like a prototyping board, then move to…

OpenPCR: Now shipping

Over a year ago, we covered the OpenPCR project. Following their successful Kickstarter campaign, which netted twice their funding goal, they’re now actually shipping the devices.

To start, this is a $512 PCR machine…


I recently returned from my private island in the Maldives. Like most of the inhabited islands, it has no physical links…

Open source orbital shaker

This is a nicely done (and award-winning) orbital shaker. Orbital shakers can often cost on the order of $1500. This one can be custom built for about $150, with additional units costing about $60 (a single controller and power…

Capacitive touch sensors

We covered a simple lickometer circuit previously. Another useful interface is a capacitive touch sensor. In contrast to light gate sensors, there are no extra photons floating around that could disturb an…

Open Hardware Summit

In academia, we have some nice benefits when it comes to intellectual property. Just about everything we do qualifies as scholarship, and so we take ample advantage of that portion of fair use

Switching 120 and 220 volt outlets

Switching wall outlets remotely, via the parallel port of a computer, a microcontroller (e.g., Arduino), or other simple switches, is desirable in many rigs. For example, timing/triggering lights in a behavioral environment, switching equipment on and off remotely, or coordinating the…


Thermocyclers/PCR machines are really simple, but still expensive. To offer a less expensive, do-it-yourself option, these two guys are engineering an open source alternative. In addition to being a decent PCR machine, (“16 reaction wells, a heated lid, a ramp…