Tag: imaging

Thorlabs’ SM2 fits Nikon lenses

Fun fact for the day: ThorLabs’…

Photon counting, addendum

Let me add some clarification to the hybrid PMT post.

The actual signal that comes off of a PMT in response to a photon is a pulse of current. The…

Photon counting with Hybrid PMTs

Hybrid PMTs have made their way into fluorescence microscopy and are competing with GaAsP PMTs. (Well, actually, Hamamatsu makes both types, so it’s not really competition in that…

GECOs – New proteins for calcium imaging

Post by Christian Wilms

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m a big fan of small organic calcium indicators (e.g., Oregon Green BAPTA 1). Yes, genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) have many…

2pLSM: When will scientists stop making their own?

In the early days of patch clamp electrophysiology, everyone made their own patch clamp amplifiers because there were none commercially available. I was lucky enough to be educated by scientists of such lineage,…

Structured Illumination, pt. 2

This is a long post. If you’re in a rush, then just read these first two paragraphs.

One of the early posts on this blog was about …

Test slides

Let me tell you a little story.

The place is the CONFOCALMICROSCOPY listserv.
The time is 1997.

A query asks how to mount fluorescent beads from Molecular Probes in order to image…

iPad Oscilloscope

To revisit an earlier post on mini-oscilloscopes, how about an iPad oscilloscope?

It’s not available just yet, but Oscium will soon start selling the iMSO-104, a peripheral add-on for the iPad,…

MATLAB code for designing collection optics for 2p scopes

The Tsai book chapter from Ron Frostig’s CRC book is a great resource for building your own 2p microscope. In…

Reality check for the Octavius-2P laser

Lasers for 2-photon microscopy are special in that they deliver all of their photons in a short period of time. Take a standard Ti:Sapph with an 80 MHz pulse rate and 100 fs pulses….

Fluorescence retrofit

This is a cute little product that lets you retrofit a standard microscope for fluorescence. It contains an LED light source, dichroic, and filters. It may be clumsy to have this big blue cannon…

Hopes for the New Year

Here’s the news Labrigger hopes to see in 2011.

New developments with optical indicators

A new, super bright fluorescent protein that blows the doors off of GFP-based proteins.
Bright, far-red dyes with huge 2p cross-sections.
Higher S:N genetically-encoded…

Thorlabs scope building blocks

At the SfN meeting in San Diego this year, I met Jeff Brooker from Thorlabs. Jeff and his team of about 17 people have a history of working together in industry on photonics. They…

Software for custom 2p scopes

If you build your own two photon scope, you’ll need software. I mainly use the MATLAB-based ScanImage. Vijay Iyer (Janelia Farm) has really made it a slick, stable program. It cosmetically resembles…


In the last post, commenter Christophe asked about sCMOS cameras. He was interested in higher light level applications, but for the sake of comparison, here’s a picture of their low light performance, compared to an interline CCD and a back-illuminated EMCCD (pdf).