A custom swivel/gimbal for luers

This from Matt Palmatier:

Drug self-administration labs need swivels and there are plenty of medical devices (rotating luer fittings) that perform this function for pretty cheap. However, suppliers-that-shall-remain-nameless charge quite a bit for simple luer fittings that…

Raspberry Pi mini monitor

Labrigger has been experimenting with Raspberry Pis. We still find a lot of uses for Arduinos for little jobs around experimental rigs. Their simplicity and predictable performance (no background processes) make them easy to implement…

Clearing out a gmail account

If your gmail account gets filled up and you need more space, you could pay for an upgraded gmail account with more storage. Or you can clear out space. For clearing out space, there are…

New spike inference for SIMA

Following up SIMA, which has been covered here before:

The SIMA team has released a new version of its toolbox that includes a spike inference algorithm developed by Eftychios Pnevmatikakis and Liam Paninski’s

Inexpensive IR viewer options

From Benjamin Judkewitz:

I needed an IR viewer to see a Ti:S beam and was really surprised to find that most viewers still sell for > 1000 € (or $). Visualizing NIR used to be…

Lens designs

In the talk I gave at the Short Course at SfN 2014, I briefly discussed the process of optical system design. A common strategy is to start with a published design, or at…

RStudio – MATLAB-like IDE for R

Carson Chow recently shared his post-MATLAB suite of programming tools, and it involves RStudio, which is open-source. “I had planned to replace Matlab with Python, Julia, and R but I have…

Embrio for LabVIEW like programming of Arduino hardware

Embrio isn’t completely open. They want to sell $50 licenses. Let’s get that out of the way first. However, it is an interesting alternative for programming Arduino hardware. It’s a visual programming environment, like…

Cynicism on the frontier

Excerpt from “How the Laser Happened: Adventures of a Scientist”:

We were still working under a Joint Service contract, managed by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. One day, after we had been at it…

Course in Paris

The Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Recording in Neuroscience course is Jun 9-19 in Paris. Application deadline is March 30. Lots of great people will be teaching, including Valentina Emiliani, Isabel Llano, Brad…

Remote, web-based analysis

Jeremy Freeman and his lab are developing tools for analyzing data using a workflow that is fundamentally more scalable not only in terms of computing power and data set size, but also in collaboration and sharing. The one-person, one-machine approach to data analysis can be highly…

SLAB hiring postdocs

SLAB is hiring. See details at the link above (“Now Hiring!!“) or here: http://labrigger.com/blog/now-hiring/

Sound dampening cabinets

Experiment rooms can get noisy, so Labrigger puts the noisy bits in sound dampening cabinets like these. A separate room could be ideal, but this works too. Just put all the noisy equipment (rackmount portions…

FocusStack and StimServer for MATLAB

Dylan Muir and Bjorn Kampa created some MATLAB code for two-photon calcium imaging experiments. First up is FocusStack, which provides a suite of analysis tools. Next up is StimServer, which coordinates visual stimulus generation and…

Photonics Handbook online reading

When you run out of catalogs to read, Photonics has some nice short articles. It’s all pretty basic, not too complicated. Good for training (e.g., Optical design software, Fiber lasers)