The Art of the Cold Email in Science

If you’re looking for a lab/prof to sponsor your grad work or post doc, it can be difficult to find a match. Responding to advertisements is one way. Cold emails are another way.

Like a lab, but no ad? Apply anyways. Almost everyone I know is almost always looking to hire good…

Specifications for new lab space

The Diesel2p.

Setting up some new lab space? Need some plans and specifications for renovations? Here are some notes that are relevant for setting up rooms for 2-photon microscopes and/or electrophysiology to be used with animals. If your target is something different from that, then maybe there are at…

Sourcing scan mirrors in early 2022

ScannerMax Saturn 5

There are some companies that have no real competition. Maybe a product here-and-there in their catalog is subject to market forces, but most of their items have no competing options from…

Notes on indirect rates

It can be confusing navigating accounting in academic research, and thankfully there are admin pros that do most of that work for us, but it’s good to know some basics….

Guidance for designing an objective from scratch

Several people have reached out for guidance on designing and building an objective from scratch, when they have little-to-no background in custom optics. Here are some notes on the topic, in broad strokes, focused on the practicalities.

A 20 mm working distance objective for two-photon imaging

The working distance is marked as 22 mm in this image, which is measured on-axis, from the center of the last lens. Practically, the mechanical working distance will be 20 mm.

We have designed a 20 mm…

postdoc jobs: San Francisco, Paris

There are a couple of postdoc jobs to share.

In San Francisco,

Andrea Hasenstaub’s lab is hiring. Andrea does exceptional work on the cellular and synaptic aspects of neural circuitry in…

Postdoc job in Ikuko Smith’s Lab

A postdoctoral position is available for a highly motivated candidate to join the Ikuko Smith Lab in the Neuroscience Research Institute at UC Santa Barbara ( A strong background in Systems Neuroscience with skills in…

Research Budgets in Perspective 2020

Here is an updated post to help keep research budgets in perspective. We did this in 2012, and this is the 2020 edition.

Some things to note:

The NYC school system runs…

Citations in Overleaf

Overleaf is an online editor for LaTeX. It handles all of the typesetting for you. You just have to learn all of its codes, syntax, and idiosyncrasies. It works for collaborative document preparation.

It’s open source– you can grab the Overleaf repository on GitHub. It’s also available as SaaS. Just the person…

kHz multiphoton imaging

There have been several reports recently about ultrafast multiphoton imaging.

To start, here is a brief review of the conventional ways to get ms-level resolution:

(1) Cycle through fewer pixels. E.g., it is trivial to line scan a dendrite and get ms time resolution, and people have been publishing data like that for decades. …

Species of PECASE awards

President Barack Obama addresses 2011 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) recipients in the East Room of the White House, July 31, 2012. (Official White House Photo…

Postdocs & Graduate Students in SLAB

Neuroscience & Neuroengineering on the American Riviera.

SLAB is recruiting postdocs and graduate students. Join a fun, lively group of intense scientists.

Some of us are neurobiologists. Studying how the brain works.

Some of us are…

Six Group Leader Positions at Janelia

The Mechanistic Cognitive Neuroscience (MCN) research area at Janelia is actively recruiting early-career Group Leaders. We are looking for creative scientists who want to study how the brain…

Travel tips about clothing

I would benefit greatly from a PhD/early career researcher seminar on how to correctly iron/pack shirts in order to not look like a total riot at conferences #transferableskills

— Jordan Clark (@JordanDoesFlu) June 7, 2019

Inspired by the twitter thread above. Here are some travel tips about clothing. Hopefully one…