Allen Institute’s Brain Observatory data set
The Allen Institute has released the first set of data from their Brain Observatory project. Many of you already know about this, but I wanted to post about it to encourage people to take a…
The Allen Institute has released the first set of data from their Brain Observatory project. Many of you already know about this, but I wanted to post about it to encourage people to take a…
Andrew Lim wrote in to discuss strategies on dealing with ripple noise in 2-photon imaging systems, particularly when using resonant scanners. He writes:
This isn’t so much a tip as a problem with resonant two-photon…
A world-class in vivo patch clamp electrophysiologist, Ian Duguid, is recruiting to his lab. Ian provides excellent training, and his lab is in a tremendous setting: Edinburgh. Ian’s also one…
Peter Weir has a nice write up and directions on how to make the fly holder from his recent paper. He has some other useful notes that are worth checking out too: github,…
Results are similar to the slow version of TurboReg, but it runs about twice as fast as the fast version of TurboReg.
Here’s the paper.
Here’s the code.
Peng Xi (Peking University) shared this resource his lab has developed: software for processing images for structured illumination (a superresolution technique).
Here’s the Github repository.
And here’s the paper…
I tweeted about this last fall. This is the best algorithm I’ve seen for segmenting and extracting time course from calcium imaging data. Eftychios Pnevmatikakis developed the code in Liam Paninski’s lab….
Collaborative Approach for eNhanced Denoising under Low-light Excitation, or CANDLE, is a denoising algorithm specialized for the type of images that are acquired in 2-photon imaging applications. There’s code for both ImageJ and MATLAB…
Microscopists are often adapting techniques pioneered for astronomy. Adaptive optics is the example you all probably know. Relatedly, phase retrieval was originally developed for telescopic imaging systems, and was adapted for high NA microscopic…
Leonardo Lupori and Raffaele Mazziotti are two fellows in lab of the excellent Tommaso Pizzorusso. They have developed an intrinsic signal optical imaging rig and are sharing all of the materials. Here’s their web…
The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience is holding an imaging course Jan 11-20, 2016.
They have a really excellent line up of lecturers. A range of topics will be covered: two-photon imaging, FLIM, FRET, endoscopy, uncaging, optogenetics, SPIM, image analysis, instrumentation (alignment, system design), …
Applications are due in a few days, Nov….
The Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Recording in Neuroscience course is Jun 9-19 in Paris. Application deadline is March 30. Lots of great people will be teaching, including Valentina Emiliani, Isabel Llano, Brad…
SIMA has recently been updated (here’s the original Labrigger post):
From the SIMA team:
We have recently released updated versions of the SIMA & ROI Buddy tools for analysis of calcium imaging data (motion correction,…
Austin Blanco has designed and built an open-source system for controlling complex imaging systems called TriggerScope. It’s highly customizable out of the box, and both the firmware and software are open.
Olympus released a suite of new objectives this year, and one of them is this 10x/0.6 NA. This is probably the longest focal length (180/10 = 18 mm) objective you can get and use…
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