Category: Tips

Movshon-Seung debate on youtube

The Movshon-Seung debate on what priority connectomics should be is now on YouTube.

EDIT: New link. Last one went private.

Numberfactory: extremely useful reference

Numberfactory is a very useful, clean reference site. Unit conversions, formulas, bolts, nuts, screws, and more.

Bolt sizes

Axial resolution and numerical aperture, part II

To recap the previous post on axial resolution and numerical aperture in two-photon microscopy:

For excitation deep in scattering tissue, higher NA can actually be detrimental because the light cone at the…

Axial resolution vs numerical aperture

Recently, microscope manufacturers have been releasing ever higher NA objectives for multiphoton imaging. Although higher NA objectives should give better axial resolution, they might not be ideal for imaging deep into the…

Wire gauge frequency ratings

As previously noted, homemade cables are to be avoided. However, stock cables are not always up to spec. For example, if one wants to drive stepper motors using a 9-pin…

Poster design tips

These two sites have a bunch of poster design tips, case studies, and other links.
Designing conference posters
Better Posters

Tsien’s VoltageFluors

Roger Tsien’s lab recently published the new generation voltage sensitive dye they were presenting at SfN: VoltageFluors. As often when then Tsien Lab takes on a new field, they start by taking a completely…

3D Sketch-up models for Newport parts

Thorlabs and Newport have offered 3D models of their products for a long time. However, they’re typically in formats for expensive programs like SolidWorks and AutoCAD. In the past year or two, Newport has been slowly adding to their library of Google SketchUp models.


Like many of you, I went to monster truck show last weekend.

The competition reminded me MATLAB’s new thing: Cody.

It’s a bunch of problems posed as MATLAB coding tasks. For example:

Find the mean of…

More MATLAB learning

On the topic of MATLAB learning materials (covered previously here and lots more MATLAB stuff here), MIT has some online courses freely available. Here’s an “aggressively gentle” intro to MATLAB, and…

Visualizations recently posted a list of the top visualizations of 2011. This is a map of the world in which Twitter tweets…

TIRF teaching materials

Next time you’re explaining TIRF to someone, start off by showing them this piece of artwork. (Arndt von Scheidt, source)

Stop Safari from reloading tabs

Apple’s Safari web browser v5.1 has an annoying behavior where tabs reload/refresh like crazy. This can cause lost work and data.

Disable the problematic behavior this way:
1. Close Safari

2. Open a terminal and enter this command

defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1

3. Restart Safari. You should see a new menu to the right of…

Impact factor = subscription price

For the next two weeks, you can get a personal 1 year subscription to any of the Nature publications for a price…

Armchair quarterback the NIH budget

Think you could do a better job allocating the NIH budget? This is your chance…