Open, easy laser-scanning microscope software: LSMAQ

Years ago, Benjamin Judkewitz wanted to try some new techniques out with laser scanning two-photon microscopy. However, the software we were using was rather cumbersome to modify. So he wrote his own software from scratch…

Collection optics: How big is big enough?


To advance deep imaging in multiphoton microscopy, it is essential to attempt to collect each photon…

Headplate designs

Multiphoton imaging with micron resolution in living animals can…

New positions open at UCSB, engineers, postdocs, managers

SLAB has moved to Santa Barbara, California and is hiring new personnel. All of our trainees are moving to UCSB, and we have resources to hire new personnel as well:

Engineers (…

SLAB is moving to UCSB

SLAB is moving to the University of California Santa Barbara this fall. UCSB is a great match for what SLAB has evolved into: about half neuroengineering and half neuroscience. The…

Mirrors and lenses for multiphoton microscopes

There’s been an interesting discussion on the Confocal listserv, and we’ll quote some of that discussion below. We’ve always used protected gold and silver mirrors for our multiphoton systems. That’s still what…

Finding out who cites your body of work

One of the most common ways that universities and institution use to evaluate scientists is to solicit letters of recommendation. But who should they ask? Of course former mentors will write letters. To…

A resonant-galvo-galvo module from Vidrio/ScanImage

This could be handy for some of you. Resonant scanners are fast, but inflexible. You can’t tell them where to go. They just oscillate at a fixed frequency. All you can do is control…

Patents and academic research

This is about the research exemption for patents. Early in my training, I was taught that academic researchers didn’t need to worry about patents, because they could build whatever they wanted for research purposes without…

Postdoc job: Zebrafish, Natural scenes, Thiele lab, Toronto

The Thiele Lab at the University of Toronto is recruiting a Postdoc for the Fall to work with an HFSP team (UC Berkeley, Univ of Maryland, and Univ of Tübingen) that is…

Cleaning and storing lenses and optics

The easy ways aren’t usually the best ways. This might be an exception. Check out the video.

This is an interesting product for cleaning and storing lenses. It’s called “First Contact”, and is…

Custom touchscreen behavior systems for rodents

Lisa Saksida and Tim Bussey turned touchscreen systems into high throughput tools for rodent behavior assays. When I visited their lab in Cambridge (they’re now based at U Western Ontario in London, Canada, between…

Remote focusing with deformable mirrors

There are lots of ways to quickly change the z-focus plane, including tunable lenses, piezo objective movers, and a coupled objective. What is the best way to change the…

Postdoc position at Imperial College London – optics, holography, neuroscience, optogenetics

Post by Amanda Foust

Applications are invited for the above post to work with Dr. Amanda Foust (Bioengineering department) and Prof. Pier Luigi Dragotti (Electrical and Electronic Engineering department) on a BBSRC funded…

Frontiers in Bioimaging 2018 in Glasgow

Frontiers in BioImaging 2018 will take place on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 June at the Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow. It will focus on the latest developments in applications of…