March for Science – Apr 22

OSA – Optical Society of America
SfN – Society for Neuroscience
March for Science

Nature is diluting their brand

From MIT.
Hat tip to J.S.

More print-outs:
Flyer in the Physics building
Kawaii psychophysics

Actually useful comments on scientific blogging

I came across Rachel Thomas’ comments on blogging in the context of machine learning, and they’re good. I’ve been telling people things like this for awhile now and Rachel distills them better than I…

PMT power supply

I was cleaning house a bit, and among my old files I found this, which might be worth sharing. Years ago I made a centralized power supply for a custom 2-photon imaging system I built. There…

Driving a green laser pointer with MicroManager

Reminder: green laser pointers have a ton of IR in them. It needs to be filtered out if you don’t want it. See this old (2011!) Labrigger post.

I.e., Paul and Kurt are…

Pixy computer vision for tracking mouse behavior

Pixy is an open source computer vision system. Mostafa Nashaat, Robert Sachdev, and colleagues including Matthew Larkum have developed software for use with the Pixy, that can be used to track mouse behavior, including free movement…

Analysis algorithms: performance quantification and ground truth

We recently tweeted about a preprint from Eftychios A Pnevmatikakis and Andrea Giovannucci (code). The preprint is on motion correction for calcium imaging data. It is a nice quick read and discusses earlier work…

Intan CLAMP Patch Clamp Amplifier Systems

Multiple people have asked for a discussion of Intan CLAMP patch clamp amplifiers. For those who are unfamiliar with them, they’re miniaturized patch clamp amplifiers. What looks like a headstage, is…

The breadboard you didn’t know you wanted

It’s a microcontroller built into a breadboard. Actually, TWO microcontrollers. Both are Arduino-compatible. ATmega16U2 and ATmega328P.
It comes in both black, white, and pink because style matters.

P.S. The bottom side is…

Series resistance in patch clamp experiments

For teaching electrophysiology, there’s still a lack of comprehensive references. In particular, it can be difficult to impart to students an intuitive feel for the quality or fidelity of electrophysiological recordings. How close to the…

Imaging course at Max Planck Florida

Max Planck Florida is running their imaging course again and there’s still time to apply. They’ve got great faculty including Na Ji, Ryohei Yasuda, Yi Zuo, Chris Xu, Jeff Lichtman, Naomi Kamasawa,…

Pre-preprint: blogging a project

SLAB is trying something new with one project in the lab. Prior to drafting a preprint, we’re blogging the project and sharing the results and analysis. We invite anyone to comment…

Allen Institute’s Brain Observatory data set

The Allen Institute has released the first set of data from their Brain Observatory project. Many of you already know about this, but I wanted to post about it to encourage people to…

Tons of 2p spectra –


Daniel Fiole is curating a nice resource for 2p cross sections:

There’s a lot here. It’s not just dyes, he has links for fluorescent proteins as well, and there’s…

ReSpeaker – Funded, still-available kickstarter for adding voice control to your project

In an earlier post, we discussed how surprisingly useful well designed voice control can be. There are open source software solutions for voice control, but they aren’t integrated with hardware, and there wasn’t really a kit to help one get started. Now there is.

Here’s an open…