Tag: microscopy

Optics Planet and Braintree Scientific and New Era syringe pumps: Inexpensive scientific equipment

Optics Planet has a nice selection of inexpensive microscopes and other lab equipment. Such as these chubby, potential Cute Overload stars…

An Arch-based voltage sensor

The newest voltage sensor is from Adam Cohen’s lab and based on a microbial rhodopsin, a class of light sensitive proteins already being put to use in optogenetics.

In this case, they’ve take…

Thorlabs’ B-scope

Thorlabs’ scope pieces and kits have been mentioned in these pages before. At SfN, they had their new B-scope on display. This is like the Sutter MOM and the UCLA…

Structured Illumination, pt. 2

This is a long post. If you’re in a rush, then just read these first two paragraphs.

One of the early posts on this blog was about structured…

Online tools of questionable usefulness

While on the Gnotero page (a Python app for accessing refs from Zotero, a Firefox plugin-based citation manager, in case you’re wondering), I noticed…

Test slides

Let me tell you a little story.

The place is the CONFOCALMICROSCOPY listserv.
The time is 1997.

A query asks how to mount fluorescent beads from Molecular Probes in order to image them…

Reality check for the Octavius-2P laser

Lasers for 2-photon microscopy are special in that they deliver all of their photons in a short period of time. Take a standard Ti:Sapph with an 80 MHz pulse rate and 100 fs pulses. If…

Fluorescence retrofit

This is a cute little product that lets you retrofit a standard microscope for fluorescence. It contains an LED light source, dichroic, and filters. It may be clumsy to have this big blue cannon jutting…