Colorbrewer for color schemes

Colorbrewer was designed for cartography, but is useful for figure color schemes and look up tables (LUTs). The web interface is slick, offers an immediate preview, and the look up table can be exported. Colorblind-safe and…

Time-bandwidth product

Ultrafast pulses are formed through interference of different wavelengths of light. Think of Fourier transforms, and how pulses can be generated through constructive and destructive interference of wavelengths with aligned phases. These wavelengths are close to the center wavelength, and spread over a wavelength…

Arduino + x86 power

The Intel Galileo is an interesting mashup. It’s Arduino compatible. You can hand it to an undergrad and they can download the Arduino IDE and program it on their own with relatively little training….

Practical guide to optical alignment

This is a nice, quick, and practical introduction to optical alignment. A good place to start for training. By Rainer Heintzmann.

Python ephys and calcium imaging analysis code

Andrew Giessel wrote some analysis code in Python when he worked in the Datta lab. He has since moved on to another venture, but he open-sourced the code. There are import routines for data from…

TriggerScope for imaging system device control

Austin Blanco has designed and built an open-source system for controlling complex imaging systems called TriggerScope. It’s highly customizable out of the box, and both the firmware and software are open.

Olympus 10x for two-photon microscopy

Olympus released a suite of new objectives this year, and one of them is this 10x/0.6 NA. This is probably the longest focal length (180/10 = 18 mm) objective you can get and use…

How to wrap cables

I like things clean and organized. I’m basically Martha Stewart. With more lasers and fewer indictments.

Depending on the length of the cord and its minimum bend radius, several different wrapping styles can be acceptable. Here…

Rube Goldberg machine using light and optics

It’s an ad for a Japanese company’s fiber optic network. In the US, we call these Rube Goldberg machines. In Japan, they’re called Pythagorean Switches (actually). In the UK, they’re called Heath Robinson machines.

Patch clamp amplifier in chip form

See that metal box the pipette holder is attached to? That’s not a headstage, that’s the whole patch clamp amplifier. Reid Harrison is the lead author (co-senior authors are Craig Forest and Ed Boyden)…

100 billion frames per s

Yes, that’s what you think it is. Courtesy of a compressed sensing + streak camera rig made by Liang Gao, Jinyang Liang, Chiye Li & Lihong V. Wang.

Link to video.

Mice running backwards

Today is Thanksgiving in the US. So here’s a avian-themed post. There was a spirited neuroethological debate at a bar during SfN involving the above video. I just caught the tail end of it. The controversial account is that headfixed mice on treadmills, when shown this video, will…

Online app for comparing fluorescent proteins

George McNamara recently posted a comment on spectra, which referenced this online app which is handy.

Field of view = 3.5 mm with cellular resolution

In this preprint, Stirman et al. report achieving a 3.5 mm field of view with 2-photon excitation with cellular resolution. The design involves custom scan optics and a custom objective built in the…

Lightfield imaging – development kit from Lytro

Lytro is releasing a development kit for their light field camera. That’s nice, but it pretty expensive. And we’ve been able to buy light field cameras for technical uses for years.
