Multi-institute grant search

Federal RePORTER is a grant search engine that covers NIH, NSF, USDA, EPA, etc. The most recent year available is 2013, so you still have to go to the individual institutes’ sites. But handy nonetheless.

Neurolabware party at SfN in DC

You’re invited. Come and say “hi” to the Neurolabware cartel (Josh, Adrian, and Dario).

What’s your favorite LUT?

Parula is the new default colormap for MATLAB (namesake above, actual map below). It probably collapses to grey better than jet (which is good for colorblind readers).

You aficionados care dearly about…

PI Predictor

Link in full post…

SIMA – Image analysis from the Losonczy lab

(This post by the SIMA Team.)

The SIMA (Sequential IMage Analysis) package facilitates analysis of time-series imaging data arising from fluorescence microscopy. The functionality of this package includes:

– correction of motion artifacts
– segmentation of imaging…

Reminder: SfN Short Course

If you like Labrigger, you should register for this Short Course at the SfN meeting.
Short Course #1: Advances in Multineuronal Monitoring of Brain Activity

Spencer Smith will be talking about the work…

A higher-tech open syringe pump

Theo Walker has a very nice open syringe pump design that has some advantages over another open syringe pump project we’ve covered (though the latter is less expensive).

Cheap microcontrollers

This post is by Koen Vervaeke.

Cheap microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberries are great devices to orchestrate behavior experiments. They don’t have however high voltage outputs to directly drive valves, servomotors, etc which…

The commoditization of image sensors

About 25 years ago, pro-level audio recording technology was prohibitively expensive for home studios. Then, digital audio technology like the Alesis ADAT enabled working class musicians to produce high fidelity recordings. The…

Custom scan optics for two-photon imaging

Adrian Negrean, in Huibert Mansvelder’s lab, has been designing and building custom scan optics for two-photon imaging and earlier this year published his work (paper). Labrigger wants to emphasize how nice this paper is….

3D printed syringe pump

Here’s a syringe pump, plans and specs.

Drop-in cage system from Newport

Newport has expanded their cage system offerings. We’ve teased them in the past, but this looks nice. Thorlabs has a few components that can be dropped into a completed…

We get mail

On the same day I was invited to the White House Conference on the BRAIN Initiative, we also received a personal letter from a man serving a life sentence for a triple homicide. Nicely,…

Scheme-it: online schematics integrated with Digikey

Scheme-it is an online electronics schematics/design tool that is integrated with Digikey’s catalog. This way, you can skip a step and go directly from design to order, without having to spend time sourcing…

MISUMI for customized parts

When fabricating custom parts, starting from raw materials gives you flexibility. However, it is time consuming and design changes can mean starting from scratch. It’s faster if you can find some part off the shelf…